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International Relations Reseach at the Semiperiphery: Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of the Journal Mezinárodní vztahy


The article considers the 50th anniversary of the journal Mezinárodní vztahy
from the perspective of Immanuel Wallerstein’s world-systems theory. It
shows how the journal and its establishment and development reflect the
structural position of the Czechoslovak/Czech International Relations
research at the semiperiphery. The concept of semiperiphery captures both
the place of a political community (Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic) in the
global world-system and the position of a research community
(International Relations) within the global scientific field. The article poses
three questions. First, is it possible, despite structural constraints, to
produce world class research in the Czech context? Second, are there any
advantages stemming from the semiperipheral position? Third, does the
Czech research community have an exceptional role to play with regard to
any questions and topics? The article argues that it is possible to produce
world class research in the Czech Republic because there are some
advantages to the semiperipheral position. The Czech research community
has a key role to play in shaping social and political debates within the
Czech political community.

PDF Research Article (Czech)

Author Biography

Jan Růžička

Jan Růžička, born in 1978, he teaches International Relations at the Department of
International Politics at Aberystwyth University in the UK, where he is
simultaneously the director of the David Davies Memorial Institute. His
research focuses on the theory of international relations, international
security and the history of the international relations discipline. Recently, he
published articles in the journals Ethics and International Affairs,
International Relations and Review of International Studies, for example.
Currently he is working on a book titled Unipolarity and the Politics of Nuclear
Nonproliferation (to be published by Cornell University Press).
