In Salzburg about Europe in the 90s
The Salzburg Seminar is an American center for interdisciplinary dialogue and education, founded in 1947. Every year it organizes a number of thematically focused discussions with the participation of prominent experts and politicians.
The main leaders of the 290th seminar (May 5-17, 1991) were Herbert S. Okun, executive director of the Financial Service Volunteer Corps, long-time US diplomat, former ambassador to the GDR and deputy head of the US delegation at the SALT II negotiations, and Leo Tindemans , member of the European Parliament and former Prime Minister and then Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium.
The discussed questions can be roughly divided into four areas.
I. General problems of international relations
II. Problems of Central Eastern Europe
III. Development in countries in the West
IV. Solution options
Author Biography
Vladimír Handl
nar. 1957, vystudoval Moskevský státní institut mezinárodních vztahů se specializací na německou zahraniční politiku. V současné době je výzkumným pracovníkem Ústavu mezinárodních vztahů pro otázky zahraniční a bezpečnostní politiky SRN. Věnuje se především roli Německa v rámci evropského integračního procesu.