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Global Justice Movement: “Movement in Motion”


Clearly visible changes of forms, symbolism and patterns of transnational
collective mobilization and political protest have taken place roughly over
the course of the last decade. The aim of this article is to introduce an actor
that represents these changes (and one of the key non-state collective
actors of the present) – the Global Justice Movement (GJM) – through
mapping the major related debates. Basically, two principal axes of both
academic and political discourse on GJM are distinguished: first, there are
the debates on the static or lasting attributes of the movement, and
second, there are those on the dynamics and processional character of the
movement. This text focuses on a dynamic approach to the study of
collective action and strives to incorporate fundamental analytical and
political arguments in their respective fields of study.


Global justice, collective action, globalization, contentious politics, political protest

PDF Consultation (Czech)


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