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Environmental Cooperation as an Instrument of Conflict Resolution: The History and Criticism of the Approach


The text is concerned with the idea of using environmental cooperation as a
conflict transformation instrument. In the first part the text introduces the
history of the idea, and in the second part the text researches the
theoretical and methodological problems of the approach and introduces
and analyzes the main challenges the contemporary research on it faces.
Nevertheless, the problems and weaknesses of the idea of using
environmental cooperation as a conflict transformation instrument, which
are discussed in the text, moderate the optimism that was originally
connected with the approach. It seems that the transformative
peacebuilding potential of environmental cooperation is at least unclear
and needs further research.


environmental cooperation, environmental peacebuilding, cooperation in conflict areas, conflict resolution, conflict transformation, history of the approach

PDF Consultation (Czech)

Author Biography

Šárka Waisová

Šárka Waisová, born in 1978, she studied Political Science and International Relations at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University, the Department of Political
Science and European Studies at Palacky University in Olomouc and the
Universities of Marburg and Dresden. She works at the Department of
Political Science and International Relations of the Philosophical Faculty at
the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. She also teaches at Metropolitan
University Prague. She deals mainly with issues related to security and
conflict resolution in her research.


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