Making Europe Defend Again: The Relaunch of European Defense Cooperation from a Neoclassical Realist Perspective

This article examines the relaunch of European defense cooperation since
2016 from the perspective of neoclassical realism, a theoretical approach to
the study of foreign policy which explores how domestic political and
ideational factors shape national foreign policy responses to international
systemic pressures. It argues that while Europe’s changing geostrategic and
security environment has created incentives for increased defense
cooperation, explaining the form and content of this cooperation requires
understanding the preferences of key European states, especially France
and Germany. The article focuses on two new forms of European defense
cooperation: PESCO and the E21, the former inside the EU institutional
framework and the latter outside of it. The article argues that these
initiatives are explained by the contrast between French and German
preferences on defense cooperation, which in turn reflect their divergent
national security priorities but also their different strategic cultures,
including their differing perspectives on European integration.
European defense cooperation, neoclassical realism, Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), European Intervention Initiative (E21), Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP), European Union (EU)
Author Biography
Michael Baun
Michael Baun is Marguerite Langdale Pizer Professor of International
Relations at Valdosta State University. He has published widely on the EU
and European politics, including numerous book chapters and articles in
such journals as Political Science Quarterly, Journal of Common Market
Studies, Journal of European Integration, Publius, German Politics and
Society, German Studies Review and Europe-Asia Studies. He is co-author
with Dan Marek of The Czech Republic and the European Union (Routledge,
2010) and Cohesion Policy in the European Union (Palgrave Macmillan,
Dan Marek
Dan Marek is Associate Professor of European Politics in the Department of
Politics and European Studies at Palacký University. He is the author of
several books and numerous academic journal articles, including
publications in the Journal of Common Market Studies, Regional and
Federal Studies, Europe-Asia Studies and Publius. He is co-editor with
Michael Baun of EU Cohesion Policy after Enlargement (Palgrave Macmillan,
2008) and The New Member States and the European Union: Foreign Policy
and Europeanization (Routledge, 2013).