Blanka Knotková-Čapková – Aleš Karmazin a kol.: Asijské hierarchie v postkoloniálním kontextu: politické, sociální a kulturní dimenze

This book reveals and compares the ways in which hierarchies of power are created in post-colonial societies. At the same time, it tries to deconstruct these hierarchies, ie. to reveal their initial assumptions and consequences. It thus shows that the postcolonial context is still a relevant factor that co-shapes events in Asian countries.
The book specifically focuses on case studies of China, India, Japan, Central Asia and Madagascar as entities with strong Asian influences. Although the book is primarily based on Asian studies, its approach is interdisciplinary. In the analysis, it uses perspectives based on political science and international relations, anthropology, media studies or cultural and literary studies. Key categories for the analysis of hierarchies and their practices and discourses are (real and symbolic) borders, (intersubjectively shaped) identity and (political and social) norms.
Author Biography
Zdeňka P. Kyselová
Zdeňka P. Kyselová graduated from Palacky University Olomouc, where she majored in Japanese Studies, and Metropolitan University Prague, where she majored in International Relations and Asian Studies. In her research, she focuses on Japanese domestic and foreign policy, and international relations in East Asia. Currently, she is a PhD student at Palacky University Olomouc.