Jakub Eberle, Jan Daniel: Politics of Hybrid Warfare: The Remaking of Security in Czechia after 2014 Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, 229 pages, 978-3-031-32702-5.

Chiara Libiseller reviews Jakub Eberle and Jan Daniel’s timely book on the politics of Hybrid Warfare (HW) in Czechia. According to Libiseller, the book provides an insightful analysis of the detrimental effects of the HW discourse on democratic politics in Czechia. Leveraging a number of critical traditions, the book deepens the critique of the HW concept, which hitherto was often limited to aspects of conceptual clarity or newness. Yet, the authors' engagement with the power of the concept could have gone even further: by examining these trends as unique to Czechia and as unique to the HW discourse, the authors remain unable to address the HW discourse's international dimensions and its feeding on other militarizing discourses. Libiseller concludes that Eberle and Daniel’s book remains a powerful call to move away from Russia-centered narratives and reclaim agency to improve democratic and societal strength.
hybrid, warfare, czechia
Author Biography
Chiara Libiseller
Chiara Libiseller is a lecturer at Leiden University, the Netherlands, and a deputy editor of the Journal of Strategic Studies. Her research investigates contemporary Western ideas and practices of war and warfare, and combines studies on strategic theory; the changing character of war; knowledge production on war; discourses and ideas about war; and civil-military relations. She received her PhD from the War Studies Department, King’s College London, with a thesis on The rise and fall of fashionable concepts in Strategic Studies.