Hybrid Regimes’ Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: “The First Wave” Evidence from Ukraine and Georgia

Hybrid regimes have been largely overlooked in the scholarly discussion on
the effectiveness of halting the new COVID-19 virus, not least due to the
lack of conceptual clarity, as such regimes are considered as the halfway or
“grey area” on the authoritarianism-to-democracy path. Hence, the present
paper aims to contribute to the pool of research on the internal dynamics
of hybridity through exploring the responses towards the pandemic by two
stable post-Soviet hybrid regimes, namely Georgia and Ukraine. The “most
similar systems” comparative research design allows us to demonstrate
that the two countries’ di!erent crisis management and communication
strategies explain Georgia’s relative success in halting the virus spread in
comparison to Ukraine throughout the first wave. The application of Henry
Hale’s “single-pyramid” and “competitive pyramid” models of patronal
politics highlights the lack of competitiveness in the formal and informal
governance processes in Georgia’s case, as opposed to the chaotic mode of
decision-making as well as plurality of informal actors in Ukraine’s case.
hybrid regimes, regime dynamics, COVID-19, crisis management, Ukraine, Georgia
Author Biography
Ivanna Machitidze
Ivanna Machitidze obtained her MA degree in International Relations and
European Studies from Central European University (Hungary) and her PhD
degree from Donetsk National University (Ukraine) with a specialization in
Comparative Political Systems. Ivanna is an Assoc. Prof. of International
Relations at the Politics & Diplomacy School (New Vision University, Tbilisi,
Georgia). Since January 2019 Dr. Machitidze is an Accreditation Expert of
educational programmes in the field of Political Science and International
Relations. Her research interests include regionalism and democratization-related issues with a focus on Eastern Europe and Russia.
Yuriy Temirov
Yuriy Temirov obtained his Candidate of Sciences degree in History at
Donetsk State University (DonNU) in 1993. He has been affiliated with
DonNU for thirty years now. Dr. Temirov is among the founders of the
International Relations and Foreign Policy department at the University,
which was founded in 1997-1999. He is also one of the initiators of the
agreement signed by Donetsk National University and the Department of
Public Diplomacy of the NATO Headquarters in Brussels establishing the
Centre of International Security and Euroatlantic Cooperation at Donetsk
National University. Dr. Temirov has served as the Dean of the Faculty of
History and International Relations at Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National
University in Vinnytsia since 2015. His research interests include
international security studies and the world order.