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Framing the Pandemic and the Rise of the Digital Surveillance State


The pandemic caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus has provided a pretext for
many countries of the world to extend executive powers, and their digital
surveillance capacities in particular. Aiming to identify how different
regimes frame digital surveillance, this paper employs qualitative content
analysis to compare the government framing of digital surveillance in India,
Israel and Singapore. Although due to their different working dynamics,
one would expect democracies and autocracies to frame digital surveillance
in di!erent ways, our findings reveal an overlap between liberal and illiberal
rhetoric across the cases and point to unexplored illiberal peculiarities
within the category of ‘democratic backsliders.’ We conclude by cautiously
speculating how heightened extents of digital surveillance and tracking
may become the new normal across regime types, and how governments
might exploit and recycle these same frames to justify digital surveillance
after the COVID-19 crisis is over.


digital, surveillance, privacy, human rights, framing, regime types, democratic backsliding

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Author Biography

Ahmed Maati

Ahmed Maati is a PhD candidate, a research associate, and a junior lecturer
at the department of Political Science at Eberhard-Karls-Universität
Tübingen. His research foci include identity and comparative politics of the
Middle East, theories of the state, and digital politics. In 2012, Mr. Maati was
part of the Volkswagen project “Arab Youth: From Engagement to Inclusion?”,
in which he conducted field work in Egypt. He concluded his Master’s
degree in 2015 in the joint program “Comparative and Middle East Politics
and Society” (CMEPS) of the American University in Cairo and the EberhardKarls-University of Tübingen.

Žilvinas Švedkauskas

Žilvinas Švedkauskas is a PhD candidate at Eberhard-Karls-Universität
Tübingen and a Bucerius Fellow of the "Trajectories of Change" programme
at ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius, specializing in comparative
politics and autocratization. His primary research focus lies in constitutional
change, digital transformation, and mechanisms of co-optation in the
Middle East, Africa, and the post-Soviet space.


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