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Which Way after Positivism? Pragmatism and Scientific Realism and Their Role in IR Research


This essay addresses the issue of how to transcend the long-lasting
stalemate between positivism and various forms of post-positivism. The
main assumption rests in the belief that one of the possible solutions to this
stalemate can be offered by replacing the positivism versus postpositivism
debate by a discussion between scientific realism and pragmatism. The
article thus starts with a brief characterization of logical positivism, which is
followed by a more thorough deliberation on the issue of pragmatism and
scientific realism. The text raises questions of the mutual incompatibilities
of both positions, as well as their respective influence on the disciplineof
International Relations. It is also argued that by adopting one or another of
these philosophiesof science, we can bring about specific consequences for
actual research practises.


Positivism, pragmatism, scientific realism, philosophy of science, epistemology, ontology, social science, IR

PDF Research Article (Czech)


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