A Review of Science Diplomacy: Theoretical Evolution to a Post-Naïve Approach and Its Relevance for the Czech Republic

The paper critically reviews the evolution of the concept of science diplomacy and sheds light on the lack of theoretical reflection on the role of science diplomacy in the Czech context. The idealistic vision of science diplomacy presented by the AAAS and the Royal Society in 2010 has recently been replaced by a more constructivist vision that acknowledges the vulnerability of science and emphasises the political and international implications of S&T diplomacy by pointing to clashes between national interests and those of scientific communities. This post-naive vision relies on the growing strategic value of science and technology, which may lead to the acceptance of new policies regulating the inputs and outputs of scientific systems. The paper briefly outlines the current strategy of the Czech Republic within the EU, highlighting its geostrategic dimension and identifying relevant challenges for the future agenda.
Science Diplomacy, international relations, Czech Republic, US Foreign Policy, soft power, smart power, EU, Dual-Use
Author Biography
Doubravka Olšáková
Doubravka Olšáková is a senior researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences and at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague. Her research is oriented towards the intersection of the history of science and technology, science diplomacy and environmental history. She is actively involved in academic life and is a member of various committees and editorial boards, including the DHST Committee on Science, Technology, and Diplomacy which she co-founded in 2017. Currently, she is a Co-PI of an ERC Advanced Grant NEWORLDatA: Negotiating World Research Data: A Science Diplomacy Study.