The Russian Orthodox Church and the Protection of Christians as a Direction of Russia's Foreign Policy

The Russian Orthodox Church has become a significant actor in Russia after
the fall of the Soviet Union. This text is dedicated to its role in Russiaʼs
foreign policy, specifically to the topic of the Russian interest in problems
and protection of Christians, which is one of the most essential parts of the
cooperation between the state and the Church. Analyzing primary sources
(state and Church documents), the author shows when and under what
circumstances this topic became relevant to both actors, what role the
Russian Orthodox Church played in this regard and how the topic of
protecting Christians is used by the Russian regime today. The study shows
that the interest in protection of Christians did not arise simultaneously on
both sides and that it is connected mainly with situations where a threat for
Christians is posed by unfriendly actors.
Russian Orthodox Church, Russian foreign policy, Russia, patriarch, Syria
Author Biography
Maria Avanesova
Maria Avanesova graduated from the International Relations program of
the Department of Politics and International Relations of the University of
West Bohemia in Pilsen. Currently she is a PhD student at the same
department. Her main field of research is Russian foreign policy with special
attention to religious and cultural factors.