Emil Souleimanov, Tomáš Hoch: Role Ruska v konfliktech a oficiálních mírových procesech v Abcházii a Jižní Osetii v letech 1991–2008
Emil Souleimanov, Tomáš Hoch: Role Ruska v konfliktech a oficiálních mírových procesech v Abcházii a Jižní Osetii v letech 1991–2008. 1. vydání. Praha: Auditorium, 2012, 99 stran, ISBN 978-80-87284-34-6 (signatura knihovny ÚMV 59 455).
Author Biography
Zhyldyz Kaarbaeva
Born in 1982, she studied Political Science at the Philosophical Faculty,
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, and the disciplines of Jurisprudence
and Russian Language and Literature at the Osh State University in the
Kyrgyz Republic. She is currently taking part in the Political Science Doctoral
Programme at the Department of Political Science and International
Relations of the Philosophical Faculty, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.
She focuses on the study of civil society in Kyrgyzstan in her research.
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