Lenka Pítrová: Evropská dimenze legislativního procesu
Lenka Pítrová: Evropská dimenze legislativního procesu. 1. vydání. Praha: Leges, 2014, 336 stran, ISBN 978-80-7502-035-2.
Author Biography
Robert Zbíral
Born in 1980, he is an assistant professor at the Department of Political and
Social Sciences of the Faculty of Law, Palacky University in Olomouc. He is
the author of five monographs and dozens of articles published in the
Czech Republic and abroad. The last of his monographs, titled Transfer of
Powers of the Member States to the European Union: A One-Way Ticket?, was
published in 2013 by the publishing house Leges. His areas of interest
include institutional issues in the EU and the relations between Member
States and the EU on the constitutional level.
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