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Miroslav Mareš, Štěpán Výborný: Militantní demokracie ve střední Evropě


Miroslav Mareš, Štěpán Výborný: Militantní demokracie ve střední Evropě. 1. vydání. Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury (CDK), 2013, 249 stran, ISBN 978-80-7325-326-4 (signatura knihovny ÚMV 60 176).

PDF Book Review (Czech)

Author Biography

Lenka Čiháková

Lenka Čiháková, born in 1985, she is in her final year of doctoral studies at the Department of Criminal Law, Masaryk University in Brno. Her main area of interest is
international law and criminal law with regard to the issues of terrorism,
organized crime, guerrilla movements and extremism, especially in Europe
and Latin America. She completed a six-month study internship at the
Universidad de la República in Montevideo, where she studied Political
Science, and a month-long research internship at the Centro de Estudios
Judiciales, also in Montevideo, focusing on research of the criminal
prosecution of members of the Tupamaros guerrilla movement. In her
publications that were released so far, she focuses primarily on the victims
of terrorism, terrorism investigation and criminal liability of legal persons;
she last lectured on terrorism at the 17th World Congress of Criminology in
Monterrey, Mexico in 2014.


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