Ernesto Laclau: Emancipace a radikální demokracie
Ernesto Laclau: Emancipace a radikální demokracie. Překlad Jan Bíba a Josef Fulka. 1. vydání. Praha: Karolinum, 2013, 202 stran, ISBN 978-80-246-2163-0.
Author Biography
Jan Blažek
Jan Blažek, born in 1986, he studied International Relations at the Faculty of Social
Studies at Masaryk University in Brno, the University of Bologna and the
University of Haifa. Furthermore, he studied Law and Jurisprudence at the
Law Faculty of Masaryk University. He is currently a PhD candidate at the
Institute of International Relations in Prague. In his research he deals with
issues of migration, ethical theories of international relations and radical
political theory, especially postanarchism.
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