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Jiří Přibáň, Václav Bělohradský et al.: Lidská práva: (ne)smysl české politiky?


Jiří Přibáň, Václav Bělohradský et al.: Lidská práva: (ne)smysl české politiky? 1. vydání. Praha: SLON, 2015, 253 stran, ISBN 978-80-7419-230-2.

PDF Book Review (Czech)

Author Biography

Veronika Bílková

Veronika Bílková, born 1975, she is associate professor in international law at the Law Faculty of the Charles University in Prague and a researcher at the Institute of
International Relations in Prague. She graduated from the Law and
Philosophical Faculties of the Charles University and from the European
Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation. She is the holder of
the Diploma in International Law from the University of Cambridge. Since
2010, she has been the member of the European Commission for
Democracy Through Law of the Council of Europe on behalf of the Czech
Republic. She has authored several books and more than 50 articles in
Czech, English and French on international law (mainly the use of force,
international humanitarian law, international criminal law, and human
rights) and international relations (mainly security topics and the UN).


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