Alexander Duleba, Tomáš Gális: Rusko, Ukrajina a my: Rozhovory Tomáša Gálisa s Alexandrom Dulebom
Alexander Duleba, Tomáš Gális: Rusko, Ukrajina a my: Rozhovory Tomáša Gálisa s Alexandrom Dulebom. 1. vydání. Bratislava: Premedia, 2016, 168 stran, ISBN 978-80-8159-313-0.
Author Biography
Ján Fiľakovský
Ján Fiľakovský who was born in 1989, studied Geography and History at Matej Bel
University in Banská Bystrica (Slovakia). At present he works as an internal
doctoral student at the Department of Social Geography and Regional
Development of the University of Ostrava (Czechia). In his scientific and
research activities he deals with the study of the national identities of postSoviet countries, especially Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.
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