Jiří Hanuš a kol.: Rusko a Západ: Eseje o (ne)porozumění
Jiří Hanuš a kol.: Rusko a Západ: Eseje o (ne)porozumění. 1. vydání. Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2015, 201 stran, ISBN: 978-80-7325-370-7.
Author Biography
Barbora Vlasatá
Barbora Vlasatá who was born in 1992, graduated from the bachelor’s program Political Science and International Relations at the Faculty of Social Science of
Charles University in Prague. Within the frame of the Erasmus+ program
she spent one semester studying Political Science at Sciences Po Bordeaux
in France. From December 2016 until March 2017 she had an internship at
the Institute of International Relations in Prague. The main areas of her
interest are both intrastate and interstate conflicts and security studies.
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