Energy Policy in the Czech Republic: The EU as a Framing Actor?

Since the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty, scholars have explored whether it
will lead to a closer cooperation between the Member States and the EU
institutions in the field of energy policy. However, little attention has been
paid to the concept of actorness, namely to whether the EU is able to frame
the discourse on energy policy in the Member States. This study seeks to
examine whether the EU can be perceived as a framing actor in the Czech
Republic and whether its framing power differs across various topics and
genres of the political discourse. Methodologically, the article draws on the
Discourse-Historical Approach. As the findings suggest, the framing does
not differ significantly across topics but rather depending on the respective
genre. Also, the framing occurs both explicitly and implicitly as well as
independently of whether the political parties agree or disagree with the
European position.
Energy policy, Czech Republic, framing, actorness, European Union, Discourse-Historical Approach
Author Biography
Markéta Votoupalová
Markéta Votoupalová, born in 1988, studied International Relations and Diplomacy at the University of Economics, Prague and Czech-German Intercultural
Communication and Scandinavian Studies (Danish) at Charles University in
Prague. Currently, she is affiliated with the University of Economics, Prague
as an Assistant Professor. She leads various courses ranging from Migration
in IR to The EU as an Actor in IR and Globalization. Her research interests
include discourse analysis, international migration, freedom of movement,
the Schengen Area, asylum policies, energy policies, state sovereignty, the
notion of boundaries, and solidarity. She has also worked for various NGO’s,
the Ministry of Interior and the Probation and Mediation Service.