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Tento editorial, stejně jako první tři texty v tomto čísle, je výstupem projektu Grantové agentury ČR s názvem „Vnitřní a vnější dimenze aktérství EU v energetických vztazích vůči Rusku a alternativním dodavatelům“, GAČR 18-00902S.

PDF Editorial (Czech)

Author Biography

Lukáš Tichý

Lukáš Tichý, born in 1982, is a coordinator of the Centre for Energy Policy and a
researcher at the Institute of International Relations Prague. He lectures at
Metropolitan University Prague. His fields of interest include energy
security of the EU and Russia, Russian foreign and security policy, energy
security, discourse analysis, terrorist attacks on energy sectors, EU–Russia
relations and the theories of international relations. He has published
several articles in domestic and foreign journals, including Energy Policy,
International Politics, Middle East Policy, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, and
Asia-Europe Journal, as well as some conference proceedings and


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