Václav Hubinger: Diplomatické Theatrum mundi.

Kniha není jen popisem profese diplomata, ale ukazuje, jak diplomat vidí
„divadlo světa“, bez kterého jeho práce nemá smysl. Autor vychází z vlastní
zkušenosti, ze zkušeností a vzpomínek kolegů i předchůdců. Život
diplomata je blízký každodenní realitě „obyčejných lidí“, a současně je od ní
vzdálený tak, že nikdo mimo diplomatů nemá dobrou představu o tom, jaký
vlastně je.
Author Biography
Petr Skalník
Petr Skalník is a political anthropologist and Africanist specialising in state and chiefdom studies. He was educated in Prague, Leningrad and Cape Town. He taught
African Studies, Social Anthropology, and Political Science at universities in
Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, South Africa,
Switzerland, Poland, Lithuania, and France, and gave invited lectures on five
continents. He did fieldwork in the Caucasus, Slovakia, Ghana, southern
Africa, Papua New Guinea, the Azores, the Czech Republic, and Poland. He
edited or co-edited two dozen books, including The Early State (1978), The
Study of the State (1981), Outwitting the State (1989), The Early Writings of
Bronislaw Malinowski (1993), A Post-communist Millennium: The Struggles
for Sociocultural Anthropology in Central and Eastern Europe (2002),
Anthropology of Europe: Teaching and Research (2005), Studying Peoples in
People’s Democracies: Socialist Era Anthropology in East-Central Europe
(2005), Postsocialist Europe: Anthropological Perspectives from Home
(2009), Africanists on Africa: Current Issues (2010), Africa: Power and
Powerlessness (2011), Actors in Contemporary African Politics (2013),
Anthropology as Social Critique. Its Public Role in the Globalized World
(2018), and Mutual Impact: Conflict, Tensions and Cooperation in Opole
Silesia (2018). In 1992–1997 he served as the Ambassador of
Czechoslovakia/the Czech Republic to Lebanon. In 2003–2013 he was the
Vice-President of the International Union of Anthropological and
Ethnological Sciences. He was also awarded the Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques.