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The Helsinki Process and Germany


The Parisian CSCE summit has meant a dividing line in the Helsinki process. The European Communities and NATO have to be considered the core of a unified Europe, and the basis for its prosperity, stability and security. The FRG plays a key-role in the Helsinki process. The whole-European attitude of both the EC and the transformed NATO are a pre-condition for its successful development. The so called Eastern Policy of the FRG which has a whole European dimension within the framework of CSCE is an organic part of these attitudes. The complicated and long-term process concerning the transformation of post-communist countries is that national extremism and uneven developments of Eastern and West Europe have to be solved, it is aimed at the creation of a union between all European countries and nationalities with equal rights in a unified, democratic and all-round prospering Europe, where regional and civil dimensions will be greatly enforced. The ČSFR and FRG relations have a specific role in these efforts.

PDF Research Article (Czech)

Author Biography

Ladislav Líska

nar. 1925, politolog a historik, po absolvováni studia práv působil v letech 1948-1971 na ministerstvu zahraničí, patřil k předním pracovníkům tehdejšího Ústavu pro mezinárodní politiku a ekonomii. V období normalizace pracoval znovu jako dělník, později se uplatnil jako právník. V současné době spolupracuje s Ústavem mezinárodních vztahů, je členem výboru Sdružení za Evropský dům.


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