National Reporting in the Framework of Human Rights Treaties: Analysis of the Core Universal Treaties

The key input into the monitoring of the implementation of universal
human rights treaties is provided by national implementation reports. In
spite of the importance of these reports, there is a large variation in the
quantities of these reports submitted by individual states. The existing
research on this issue is considerably limited, especially in its empirical
scope. This text tests several explanatory hypotheses offered by the
contemporary literature on the participation of states in human rights
treaties and on the external transparency of states. The empirical analysis
carried out in the text involves the most recent data related to the core
universal treaties. This analysis reveals that the explanatory factor that is by
far the most statistically and substantively significant for the examined
topic is the level of report submission for each region.
human rights, international cooperation, United Nations, theories of international relations
Supplementary File(s)
PDF Annex (Czech)Author Biography
Jan Karlas
Jan Karlas works at the Department of International Relations of the Institute of
Political Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague.
Currently, he serves as the Head of the Department. He graduated from the
International Relations program at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles
University, and from the International Relations and European Studies
program at Central European University in Budapest. Previously, he worked
as a research fellow in the Institute of International Relations in Prague. In
his research, he deals with global cooperation and institutions.