The Limits of the Use of Force in Contemporary Phase of International Relations
During the entire period of the society's existence in its class form, war is one of the means of promoting the interests of the ruling classes, it is one of the faces of their policy in the field of foreign relations. The ruling classes at a certain moment, when certain goals cannot be achieved in any other way than war, and when, according to their subjective assessment, there are favorable conditions for this, they resort to arms.
However, the use of force becomes an instrument of politics not only at the moment of its realization, but also as a potential possibility of realization. The threat of force may be enough for the respective state to achieve its foreign political goal. Clausewitz's well-known thesis defines this phenomenon as declaring war to be the continuation of politics by other means. Attempts to legally regulate this social phenomenon, attempts to limit and then prohibit the use of force in international relations are made after the world wolf. While attempts to create material obstacles to the use of force end in failure - see the failure of negotiations on disarmament - in the area of legal regulation, the hastily signed.
Author Biography
Josef Pokštefl
je vědeckým pracovníkem v Ústavu státu a práva ČSAV, kde se zabývá především politickými a právními aspekty odzbrojení.