Revanchism through Polish Eyes

Revisionism has become the essence of the politics of the Federal Republic of Germany, it has reached the rank of a goal in this country, to which all available means are being procured.
Revisionism in the NSR is not only a question of expatriation, but all the political forces that are in power in Bonn today, as well as some forces that are trying to gain this power, are marked by them. In such context A. J. Kaminskt has written his new book, which is a kind of monographic concept of the political program of expatriation in the NSR.
In the title of his work, the author refers to the Hakata (Deutscher Ostmarkenverein), an organization that developed the Activity in the years 1894-1935 and was dedicated to the extermination of everything Polish in the eastern regions under German rule.
Hitler's leadership, with this goal in mind, created a new organization in 1935, the Bund Deutscher Osten, whose leader was, among others, Theodor Oberländer, the Bonn minister for the issues of exiles, refugees and general victims.