On the Contemporary Problems of the German Imperialism

It is generally known the interest of the public and the attention of experts, devoted to the presentn issues of Germany. A wealth of experience tells us that it is opinions, attitudes and evaluations of the most talked about problems need to be constantly confronted with the reality of the day so that they do not turn into schemes that obscure rather than illuminate new phenomena and new processes. These facts led the scientific-methodical council for international issues at the OV Socialist Academy to organize a symposium on the current problems of German imperialism.
It took place in Karlovy Vary 1-4. November 1966 and was organized in cooperation with CSAV for lecturers of the Socialist Academy, employees of universities and scientific institutes. The participants studied four papers: Economy of the NSR in the 1960s - dr. Z. Bednarik, EU CSAV, Structural changes in West German society - dr. AND. Müller, UMPE, Foreign policy concept of the NSR - dr. A. Snejdárek, director of UMPE. A separate point of the program was a report by CSSR Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs O. Klick on the subject of Czechoslovak foreign policy and the NSR.