Developing Countries and the Economic Agenda of the UN

In the short period of its existence, quite a lot of information and reflections on the so-called third world were published on the pages of this magazine. I'm not going to deal with mixed considerations, I want to show in what form the issue is dealt with RZ meet cs. delegation at the General Assembly and in the organizations of the system UN, what is the concept of the RZ procedure and what development should IZ expect in this area.I think that the example of this issue in the UN is useful because it manifests itself there in a more concrete form than it appears from what has been published so far.
To a certain extent, this is due to the fact that international organizations of the UN are, unfortunately, a worthy forum for the application of common requirements of the RZ. What is happening in the UN — without overestimating them — provides us with a wealth of material, by analyzing it, you can get a fairly accurate picture of the concept of the RZ procedure and development trends. Their knowledge is absolutely necessary, for example, for progress es. delegation in various UN bodies, which are daily confronted with various RZ requirements. So we do not move in the level of academic considerations, but specific material and financial requirements of RZ based on certainty concepts that need to be specifically responded to.
Author Biography
Jiří Michálek
je odborníkem v oblasti hospodářské agendy OSN.