Peace Research?

Sometime in the late fifties, when the world began to talk more about peace and think less about war, the first scientists, groups, and institutes "for peace research" appeared in the USA and then in Europe. At American universities, some professors dealt with it, in Europe one of the leading institutes was the Peace Research Institute in Oslo (PRIO), opened in the summer of 1959. Research was created, in which experts from various scientific disciplines took part, not only social sciences (history , sociology, economics or so-called political science), but also exact ones (physicists, doctors, etc.). Although the subject of the research was questions from the field of international relations, into which any conflict situations between states or systems are immediately projected, but precisely because it is about questions of war and peace, existence andnon-existence of humanity, other scientists also applied.
Author Biography
Jaroslav Šedivý
nar. 1929, absolvoval Filozofickou fakultu Univerzity Karlovy, obor historie a slavistika. Krátce pracoval v ČSAV, pak v Ústavu pro mezinárodní politiku a ekonomii. V roce 1970 byl zatčen a po půlročním vězení pracoval jako lesní dělník, poté čistič oken. V prosinci 1989 se stal poradcem ministra zahraničních věcí a v červnu následujícího roku byl jmenován velvyslancem ve Francii, poté v Belgii. Od roku 1997 do léta 1998 byl ministrem zahraničí, poté velvyslancem ve Švýcarsku. Publikoval několik knih a řadu studií z oboru dějin mezinárodní politiky a čs. zahraniční politiky.