Financing Development of the Less Developed Countries

The construction of developing countries (in the next RZ), which J. Néhrú said is state of exploding poverty is well known. At all meetings of the UN and its organizations but also on various other occasions, the position of RZ is reminded and studied wind, thereby constantly new circumstances and connections emerge, which change they were not intended, or they were overlooked. It is now one of the main problems of the world. According to the United Nations Development Program (The Second Imperative New York, date not given) industrially developed countries in which not even a third of the world's population lives, they have 86% of the world's gross product, which corresponded to 1097.4 billion dollars in 1964, while the RS, in which there are more than two thirds of humanity (and by the end of the century it should be ¾), have only 14% of the gross world product, or 178.6 billion dollars.)
Author Biography
Zdeněk Augenthaler
je bývalým dlouholetým diplomatem a odborníkem v oblasti mezinárodních obchodních styku. Publikoval též pod pseudonymem Zdeněk Bert.