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Indirect Interventions in Civil Wars: The Use of States as Proxies in Military Interventions


Current research on motivational sources of military interventions in civil
wars frequently assumes that states intervene due to direct interests in the
civil war country. However, this study argues that there exists a subset of
interventions in which weaker powers intervene on behalf of interests
which great powers hold vis-à-vis the civil war country. Using the logic of
principal-agent theory in combination with arms trade data allows one to
identify 14 civil wars which experienced the phenomenon of indirect
military interventions. This type of intervention features a weaker power
providing troops for combat missions, whereas its major arms supplier is
only involved with indirect military support. The analysis is complemented
with two brief case studies on the Moroccan intervention in Zaire (1977) and
the Ugandan intervention in the Central African Republic (2009). Both case
studies corroborate expectations as deduced from the proxy intervention


Proxy interventions, arms trade, civil wars, military intervention, principal-agent theory, great powers

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Author Biography

Kamil Klosek

Kamil Klosek is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Peace Research Center
Prague, Charles University. In his research, he focuses on civil war dynamics
and international relations. His dissertation was devoted to analyzing
motivational causes of military interventions in civil wars from a political-economic perspective. His special interests are related to the role of arms
trade, natural resources and foreign direct investments in relation to
(internal) armed conflict. His further projects encompass political-economic
interactions of rebel groups during civil wars, the role of extractive
industries in civil war onset and dynamics, proxy interventions in civil wars
as well as the categorization and collection of data on frozen conflicts since
the end of the Second World War.


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