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Selected Sociological Aspects of Security Risks: A Contribution to the Discussion


This article aims to contribute to the discussion of understanding the sociological aspects of security risks as social phenomena. This derives from the General Theory of Risks, which emphasizes the following features of risks: that the possibility exists for an unfavorable occurrence, that this could accompany some human activity associated with the decision-making process, that it will originate in the uncertainty of the human actor's environment, that it will be increased by the influence of subjective factors, and that it will manifest itself in losses, damage, and other harm.

The sociological perspective on risk , aside from analyzing it as a social process, is particularly connected with the concept of a risk society and social deviation theory (social pathology).A sociological point of view on security is still lacking or otherwise linked with other problems. This gap can be bridged by viewing security as an anthropocentric issue. Another possible starting point for the research of security risks is to regard the security system as a complex social system. From the sociological point of view, both military and non-military risks represent fundamental types of security risks.

When examining security risks it is possible to differentiate between the views of the military (political-military), the police (criminology), and the intelligence services, in terms of their practical goals. This practical analysis of security risks gives rise to further questions. These could include the development of a dynamic perspective, the accuracy of their evaluation, and the level of their security as a group.

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Author Biography

František Škvrnda

nar. 1952, vystudoval Vojenskopolitickou akademii v Bratislavě (1974). V letech 1979–1992 přednášel sociologii na vojenských akademiích a na vysokých školách. V letech 1993–1995 pracoval na MZV SR. V letech 1995–2000 působil v zahraniční rozvědce slovenské zpravodajské služby. Od roku 2001 je nezávislým politickým analytikem v oblasti národní bezpečnosti.


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